Business of Art and Design

Majors & Minors


BOAD 110: Design Thinking for Business

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Overview of creative strategies and design research methodologies. Introduction to Design Thinking and Business Design tools and methods used by entrepreneurs and creative leaders to create user-centered products and services.


BOAD 151: Introduction to Creative Business Management

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Survey of the principles of management necessary in creative business environments. Introduction to the business side of various creative industries. Topics include organizational structure and design, roles and functions of management, professional communication, and production workflow models that will provide a foundation for further study within the business program.



BOAD 165: Creative Team Dynamics

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to managing creative teams. Topics include team types and compositions in creative industries, stages of team development, individual and group behavior, barriers to productive teamwork, group decision-making dynamics, and conflict resolution. Apply practical tools and strategies for improving multidisciplinary collaboration, facilitating creative processes and workflows, and maintaining effective communication.


BOAD 201: Accounting & Finance for Creative Businesses

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

This course focuses on the principles of accounting and finance that are needed to successfully navigate the financial challenges and opportunities of managing a creative business. These principles include how to prepare, read, and utilize financial statements, how business managers account for business transactions and use financial reports, cash flow and financial planning, budgeting and pricing strategies, and raising funds.



BOAD 210: Personal and Freelance Finance

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to personal financial literacy. Topics covered may include: managing your personal financial future, understanding income and expenses, creating realistic budgets, managing debt and student loans, investing and retirement planning, small business management, freelancing and independent contractors, insurance and healthcare, taxes and accounting. The course does not assume any prior financial knowledge.


BOAD 230: Brand Strategy

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to the value of a brand in the business environment and how to build, manage, assess and protect a brand. Specific areas covered include what a brand is, why it matters, how brands create value, how brands define their purpose, how brands use story, as well as the role of consumer research and consumer insight in strategic planning.


BOAD 253: Economics for Art & Design

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to micro and macroeconomics with a focus on market forces and dynamics of the global creative sector. Utilizes case study methods to examine the many different expressions of the business of art and design, their economic impact and the opportunities created within the creative business sector.


BOAD 254: Principles of Marketing

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to the study of marketing. Topics include market orientation, customer value, customer satisfaction, target market, marketing environment, product development, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotional strategies and tactics. Students develop a marketing plan for a client based semester-long team project.


BOAD 260: Project Management

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Overview of characteristics, problems, techniques and methods of Project Management and a consideration of managerial decision-making in team environments using Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT), Critical Path Method (CPM), and others. Management principles and practices are used to solve practical problems in creative, innovative organizations.


BOAD 275: Research and Data Analysis

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Introduction to quantitative research and statistics for data analysis. Emphasis on applying basic mathematical concepts to solve real-world problems and developing skills for collecting, interpreting, and working with data. Topics include basic mathematical problem-solving, use of large datasets, elements of statistical analysis, and visualizing and presenting data in support of an argument or project.



BOAD 301: Special Topic: Indiv. & Organizational Creativity

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Exploration of the power of creativity in both personal and organizational contexts. Examines key elements and principles of creativity and the creative process through interactive and experiential learning. Study of role leaders play in cultivating the creative potential of employees though development of: vision; structure; collaborative culture; systems; processes; Human Resource practices. Exploration of personal creativity through individual and group projects.

BOAD 304: Legal Issues in Creative Industries

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Introduction to legal issues and business regulations that affect artists, designers, creative managers, and entrepreneurs in creative industries. Topics covered may include: intellectual property, contracts, employment law, licensing, and business structures and regulations as they related to careers in arts, entertainment, and media. This course does not assume any prior legal knowledge.


BOAD 310: Storytelling for Leaders

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Exploration of storytelling as powerful tool for leaders. Develop understanding of key elements of effective and engaging storytelling through experiential learning. Examination of storytelling as way to develop leadership presence and use narrative as a framework for: communication; self-expression; self-discovery; engagement of others; strategic planning; personal and organizational change.

BOAD 330: Managing Human Resources for Creative Org.

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Study of the field of human resource management, including the functions of: strategic HR, HR planning, recruiting, staffing, training and development, compensation, benefits, labor relations, and performance management. Examination of contemporary human resources Issues and opportunities within creative organizations and art/design workplaces.

Prerequisite Courses

BOAD 341: Entrepreneurial Finance

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Introduction to entrepreneurial finance and small business management. Topics covered may include: evaluating business opportunities, estimating requirements and risk, acquiring and managing money, budget creation, understanding funding alternatives and sources of capital, selecting a business entity, and conducting key financial analyses. Students develop financial literacy skills necessary to operate a growing business and navigate creative projects successfully.



BOAD 350: Entrepreneurship

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Study of the field and practice of entrepreneurship. Topics covered may include: decision processes to become a creative entrepreneur; identifying problems and opportunities; sustainable business model design; entry, growth, and management strategies for creative ventures. Exploration of entrepreneurship as a creative discipline that borrows from design thinking and Lean Startup methodologies to de-risk new business ideas through rapid prototyping and constant iteration.

BOAD 352: Strategic Planning

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Study of the strategic planning process for new and existing businesses, including: business purpose and identity (vision, mission, and values), objectives and performance metrics, internal and external analyses, positioning, business resource assessments, stakeholder assessments, strategic issues, organizational mandates, and implementation planning. Analysis of successful for-profit and non-profit strategies and their corresponding short-and-long-term action plans for creative businesses.

BOAD 361: International Management

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Fundamental understanding of the strategic, operational, and behavioral aspects of managing across cultures. Topics may include: cultural values, diverse business customs and practices, international strategy development, global alliances and strategy implementation, international human resource management, leadership, and communication across cultures.

Prerequisite Courses

BOAD 370: The Pitch

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 0
Minimum Study Hours

Skill development necessary to persuade when presenting work and ideas. Students will develop verbal, visual, and written pitch presentations of creative ideas to be delivered to key stakeholders. The course focuses on effective communication of concepts, storytelling, creative vision, scope of work, logistics, and budget.

Prerequisite Courses

BOAD 230 or BOAD 254.

BOAD 420: Topics in Business

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours
Advanced topics in business of art and design. Creative case analysis of topics such as arts entrepreneurship; visual arts management; non-profit art centers; gallery management, new venture capital ideas innovations in business marketing and current trends in e-commerce.


BOAD 425: Leadership in Creative Environments

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Study of concepts ranging from the interrelationship of trust and power to the situational and contextual aspects of leadership in creative organizations. Examination of leadership as ability to influence others in absence of positional power. Exploration of personal leadership styles and/or preferences in areas of: group dynamics; team building; problem-solving; conflict resolution.

BOAD 452: Senior Capstone I

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 0
Minimum Study Hours

Students develop and complete a professional thesis project that will help clarify and advance their career goals upon graduation.


Open to BOAD seniors only.

BOAD 455: Exhibition Design and Management

Credits 3
Studio Hours
Lecture Hours 3
Minimum Study Hours

Exploration of the complexity of curating exhibitions and related projects through lecture and discussion, outside reading, writing, critical thinking, and creative planning and execution. A full exhibition is planned and installed during the semester. Course is repeatable up to two times with department approval. 

To inquire about this course, please contact the Department Head. The class is project-based and has limited enrollment. Roles will be assigned based on the needs of the project (project management, graphic design, marketing and PR, environment and lighting design, and curatorial). To apply, email your resume and/or portfolio to Department Head.